Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 5- Making some changes to my routine

I have found myself becoming obsessed with the scale and I am thinking this can't be a healthy development in my process to change my lifestyle.

My new plan is to continue on with the diet of only eating Fruits and Veggies however I am going to focus my attention on how I feel and limit myself to weighing in once per week on Friday Mornings.

I am hopeful that this will allow me to hone in on my bodies reaction to the food and not just my waistline.

My instincts tell me that I will have a greater opportunity for long term success by focusing on how I feel rather than how much I weigh.

Plus it will give my scale a bit of a break too. :)


Friday, August 26, 2011

Still Cruising- Day Four

Four days in and still chugging (Literally) along. Lost another 1.2 pounds yesterday bringing my grand total to 7.2 pounds in 4 days.

Drinking lots and lots of stuff that looks like this, mmmmmm yummy.

The real effects of the change in diet are really good. Lots of energy and such.

Lots to say but short on time, more to come tomorrow.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The day all started innocently enough- Then came the Cravings!

I woke up yesterday feeling good about things, my energy is way up and in general I feel way better than I have in a long time.

Yesterday was my third day straight without any meat, bread, dairy, processed sugar, etc. and my body seems to like the new fuel its getting.

My mind on the other hand is still not sold on the idea. Most of the day was great and I felt like I was cruising through the day until 8 PM came around. I am not sure what sparked it but all of a sudden I was craving everything I couldn't have and when I say craving I mean CRAVING!

I fought it forever and was sitting there quietly managing my demons when it finally got to be to much to take. Rather than give in I finally told my family that I loved them and hit the hay.  This is not a strategy I think I can employ often however I felt it better to remove myself from the temptations rather than give in. Anyway I woke up this morning to find that I am now down 6 pounds in 3 days. Mornings are no longer a drudgery and I am waking up feeling energized.

I am heading into day four determined to stay on course and make this the time I am successful at changing my health for the better.

Ugh, I hope my brain doesn't try to betray me again like it did last night.

Until Tomorrow,


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 2 Down- Energy is great, Head not so much.

I had my first weigh in ceremony this morning and was pleasantly pleased to see that I lost 4 pounds in my first two days on the fruit and vegetable only diet.

I figure the weight loss is from offloading some carry on baggage (wink wink) but I feel good about it anyway.

So far my energy levels are a lot better than they were on my old "diet" and that's great. That being said my head is killing me. I figure its from the lack of life giving caffeine rushing through my veins. Oh well the price we pay for beauty right, ha ha ha.

Onto day three and I am anticipating another tough day emotionally as I face my demons without any crutches to lean on. It is getting easier hour by hour and I find my cravings starting to change for the better. I hope my head can adjust to life without the octane boosts I have been giving it my whole life.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 1- Fruits and Vegetables Aplenty

So yesterday was one of the few days in my life that did not include bread and some sort of meat. Its true what they say I feel like I have more energy and my body feels better however my mind is a burning hell.

I figure I just need to stay my course and my mind will adjust its cravings but suffice it to say its not there yet.

Overall yesterday wasnt as bad as I expected and I am encouraged that I can do this. I have learned just how poorly I managed this part of my life as I found myself thinking about eating when I wasn't hungry and realized I would have normally found something to consume.

As I mentioned physically I felt better today and woke up early with more energy than normal. These are both really good things, now I just need to find a way to conquer that little thing I like to call my brain.

I know my wife and kids are worth it and look forward to my first weigh in tomorrow.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

How I got here and what I need to change.

So I guess I will start by explaining what I am doing, how I got here and why/what I need to change.

I am a fat man, have been a fat man for many years and believe it or not have spent the last several years pretty comfortable being a fat man. I have a perfect wife, 6 great kids and a pretty good life overall. As you can see by the post date its Sunday the 21st of August 2012 and I am currently weighing in at 310 pounds.

I know for a large percentage of the world that number is something to gasp at but for me its okay. You see several years ago I weighed in over 400 pounds and was miserable in ways you will never understand unless you find yourself in the morbidly obese category. I had a good run and lost over 100 pounds and life was great. I had a successful business kids a wife and now I felt better than I had in years. My weight loss plateaued,  my company went under in a horrific fashion after 11 years and the last few months I have found myself someplace new- completely depressed.

A side effect of depression for some is a loss of desire for food. I have experienced this but find myself powering through it and eating too much anyway. What I have discovered is that I have programmed myself to overeat in a very deep and effective way. I am not sure why I have done this and I know its been a journey of many little steps to make it happen but I have done it and here I am.

I often eat until I feel sick, I eat when I am not hungry, I eat when I am happy, I eat when I am sad. Whatever is going on in life I find a way to tie it back to food. Why is this???

I think a lot of people look forward to a good meal, but do they obsess about it the way I did in the past. And why now when I don't have the desire to eat do I find myself bending to those old habits and not only eating but eating more than I should and things I shouldn't be eating??

I am 36 years old and have Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and tons of little things caused by bad food decisions. This is crazy, what will it take to learn to be healthy???

I have so many questions I don't know how to answer about myself, my habits and the slow death by food I have been putting myself through. I am at a point in my life where I have some time to make personal changes and put the effort I put into my professional life into my personal one.

I am going to learn about my food addiction and figure out how to beat it.

This blog is a place for me to vent, to share my discoveries and more than anything to hold myself accountable for the decisions I am making on a daily basis.

My plan is simple, I am going to follow the reboot protocol on

It makes sense to me and I need to start treating food like fuel rather than an emotional crutch. First round is 15 days on fruits and vegetables exclusively.

My starting weight is 310 as I mentioned above.

Note- This is for my wife, my kids and myself. I owe it to all of us to conquer this part of me so I can be there for you.

I love you all,
