Thursday, August 25, 2011

The day all started innocently enough- Then came the Cravings!

I woke up yesterday feeling good about things, my energy is way up and in general I feel way better than I have in a long time.

Yesterday was my third day straight without any meat, bread, dairy, processed sugar, etc. and my body seems to like the new fuel its getting.

My mind on the other hand is still not sold on the idea. Most of the day was great and I felt like I was cruising through the day until 8 PM came around. I am not sure what sparked it but all of a sudden I was craving everything I couldn't have and when I say craving I mean CRAVING!

I fought it forever and was sitting there quietly managing my demons when it finally got to be to much to take. Rather than give in I finally told my family that I loved them and hit the hay.  This is not a strategy I think I can employ often however I felt it better to remove myself from the temptations rather than give in. Anyway I woke up this morning to find that I am now down 6 pounds in 3 days. Mornings are no longer a drudgery and I am waking up feeling energized.

I am heading into day four determined to stay on course and make this the time I am successful at changing my health for the better.

Ugh, I hope my brain doesn't try to betray me again like it did last night.

Until Tomorrow,


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